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Hot-Fractured-Rock System

Das Hot-Fractured-Rock System der petrothermalen Geothermie entspricht einem Hot- Dry- Rock- (HDR) System bei dem allerdings angenommen wird, dass im Untergrund vorab vorhandene natürliche Risssysteme an der geplanten Zirkulation beteiligt sind.


Bommer, J. J., S. Oates J. M. Cepeda, C. Lindholm, J. Bird, R. Torres, G. Marroquín, and J. Riva: Control of hazard due to seismicity induced by a hot fractured rock geothermal project. In: Engineering Geology, Nummer 83 (2006), S. 287-306 

Bruel D.: Impact of induced thermal stresses during circulation tests in an engineered fractured geothermal reservoir - Example of the Soultz-sous-Forets European Hot Fractured Rock Geothermal Project, Rhine Graben, France. In: Oil Gas Sci Technol. Nummer 57 (2002), S. 459-470 

Genter, A., Guillou-Frottier, L., Feybesse, J., Nicol, N., Dezayes, C., Schwartz, S.: Typology of potential Hot Fractured Rock resources in Europe. In: Geothermics Nummer 32(4) (August–December 2003), S. 701-710 

Rabemanana, V., Durst, P., Bächler, D., Vuataz, F., Kohl, T.: Geochemical modelling of the Soultz-sous-Forêts Hot Fractured Rock system comparison of two reservoirs at 3.8 and 5 km depth. In: Geothermics Nummer 32(4) (August–December 2003), S. 645-653 

Wyborn D, Graaf L, Davidson S, Hann S: Development of Australia\'s first hot fractured rock (HFR) underground heat exchanger, Cooper Basin, South Australia. In: Proceedings of the world geothermal congress (2005) 

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