Eine Flashanlage, als Bestandteil eines Hochenthalpie-Geothermiekraftwerkes, besteht im Wesentlichen aus einem Druckkessel (Separator) in dem Flash Dampf von der flüssigen Phase (Wasser) getrennt wird. Siehe auch Flash Verfahren.
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Behnam RADMEHR, Saeid JALILINASRABADY: Modeling of the Single and Double Flash Cycles and Comparing Them for Power Generation in Sabalan Geothermal Field, Iran, World Geothermal Congress (2015)
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Chao LUO, Yulie GONG: Geothermal Energy Conversion Between Flash-Binary and Double Flash Geothermal Power System, World Geothermal Congress (2015)
Joshua Clarke, James T. McLeskey Jr.: The constrained design space of double-flash geothermal power plants. In: Geothermics Nummer 51 (2014), S. 31-37
Junjie Yan, Dan Zhang, Daotong Chong. : Experimental study on static/circulatory flash evaporation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer . Nummer 53 (2010), S. 5528-5535
Junjie Yan, Dan Zhang, Daotong Chong. : Experimental study on static/circulatory flash evaporation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer . Nummer 53 (2010), S. 5528-5535
Nugroho Agung PAMBUDI, Ryuichi ITOI, Saeid JALILINASRABADY, KHASANI: Performance Evaluation of Double-flash Geothermal Power Plant at Dieng Using Second Law of Thermodynamics, Stanford Geothermal Workshop (2013)
Wallace, K., Dunford, T., Ralph, M. and Harvey, W.: Germencik: A Thoroughly Modern Flash Plant In Turkey,. In: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, Nummer 33 (2009)
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