Geodätische Untersuchungen sind (bei wiederholter Anwendung) geeignet, geodynamische Phänomene zu kartieren. Zentral ist hierbei die Nutzung des global positioning system (GPS) zusammen mit terrestrischen Basisstationen. Die Genauigkeit der dreidimensionalen Bewegungsmessungen liegt im mm-Bereich.
Hauptanwendungsgebiet ist die Erfassung lokaler Bodenbewegungen (strain rates).
Heimlich, Masson, Gourmelen: Geodetic monitoring at the geothermal sites of Soultz sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen(Upper Rhine Graben – France) , European Geothermal Conference , 2013
Bormann, Jayne; Wesnousky, Steve; Hammond, Bill; Sarmiento, Alex : Holocene Earthquakes on the Wassuk Range Fault Zone: Paleoseismic Observations from the Rose Creek Fan and Regional Geodetic Observations, Hawthorne, Nevada, USA , Geothermal Resources Council Transactions , 2010
D. W. Vasco : Using Geodetic Data to Understand Hydrothermal Fluid Flow , Stanford Geothermal Workshop, 2005
Blewitt, Geoffrey; Coolbaugh, Mark F.; Sawatzky, Don L.; Holt, William; Davis, James L.; Bennett, Richard A. : Targeting of Potential Geothermal Resources in the Great Basin from Regional to Basin-Scale Relationships Between Geodetic Strain and Geological Structures , Geothermal Resources Council Transactions , 2003
Sugihara, M.; Suto, S. : Geodetic Monitoring of Volcanic and Geothermal Activity Around Mt. Iwate , Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 2000
Alberto Beinat, Alessandro Capra, Ivano Dini, Alberto Gubellini, Claudio Marchesini, Aristide Rossi and Luca Vittuari : Crustal Deformations Detected by Geodetic Control Network in the Travale Geothermal Area - Tuscany - Italy , World Geothermal Congress , 1995
J. R. Garcia G. Geodetic Control, First Order Leveling in the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Zone, Mexicali, Baja California Norte , DOE-CFE Symposium on Cerro Prieto , 1979
Denlinger, Roger P.; Isherwood, William F.; Kovach, Robert L. : An Analysis of Gravity and Geodetic Changes Due to Reservoir Depletion at The Geysers, Northern California , Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, 1979
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