Als Geothermometer werden Minerale bezeichnet, die Informationen über die Umgebungstemperatur zur Zeit ihrer Entstehung enthalten. Es sind also Mineralien, die für einen engen Temperaturbereich typisch sind. Siehe auch Geothermometrie.
A.P.G. Fowler, L.B. Hackett, C.W. Klein: Reformulation and Performance Evaluation of the Sulfate-Water Oxygen Isotope Geothermometer.. In: In: GRC Transactions. GRC Annual Meeting; 2013/09/31; Las Vegas, NV. Davis, CA: Geothermal Resources Council (2013), S. 393-401
Fournier RO, Truesdell AH. : An empirical Na-K-Cageothermometer for natural waters. . In: Geochim&CosmochimActa. Nummer 37 (1973), S. 1255-1275
Fournier, R., O.: Chemnical geothermometers and mixing models for geothermal systems. In: Geothermics Nummer 5 (1977), S. 41-50
Fournier, R., O.: Chemnical geothermometers and mixing models for geothermal systems. In: Geothermics Nummer 5 (1977), S. 41-50
Fournier, R.O. : Water geothermometers applied to geothermal energy. In: Applications of geochemistry in geothermal reservoir development. Co-ord F. D’Amore: Unitar/UNDPRome (1992), S. 37-69
Fournier, R.O. : Water geothermometers applied to geothermal energy. In: Applications of geochemistry in geothermal reservoir development. Co-ord F. D’Amore: Unitar/UNDPRome (1992), S. 37-69
Harvey, C.C. and Browne, P.R.L. : Mixed-layer clays in geothermal systems and their effectiveness as mineral geothermometers. In: Proc. World Geothermal Congress,Kyushu-Tohuku, Japan, May (2000)
Harvey, C.C. and Browne, P.R.L. : Mixed-layer clays in geothermal systems and their effectiveness as mineral geothermometers. In: Proc. World Geothermal Congress,Kyushu-Tohuku, Japan, May (2000)
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