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Horne, Roland - Person

Prof. Roland N. Horne ist der Thomas Davies Barrow Professor für Geowissenschaften an der Stanford University und dort Senior Fellow im Precourt Institut für Energie. Er hat einen Abschluss in BE, PhD und DSc von der University of Auckland, Neuseeland, in Ingenieurwissenschaften. Er ist bekannt für seine Interpretation von Bohrlochtests, Produktionsoptimierung und Analyse von Kluft-Lagerstätten.

Bislang hat er in seiner akademischen Laufbahn die Nachwuchsforschung von 52 Doktoranden und 125 MS-Studenten betreut.

Ehrenamt und Auszeichnungen

  • Ehrenmitglied der Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) 
  • Mitglied der US National Academy of Engineering
  • Mitglied in Präsidium der International Geothermal Association (IGA) von 1998 bis 2001, von 2001 bis 2004 und von 2007 bis 2010 sowie Präsident der IGA von 2010 bis 2013.
  • SPE Distinguished Lecturer (1998 und 2009)
  • Distinguished Achievement Award für SPE Petroleum Engineering Faculty, den Lester C. Uren Award und dem Franklin John Carl-Preis.
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Best Paper in "Geophysik" im Jahr 2011
  • SPE Best Paper im Journal of Petroleum-Technologie (1992) 
  • Best Paper SPE Formation Evaluation (1993).
  • Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) mit fünf Best Paper Awards
  • Fellow der School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (2016) und Honorarprofessor der China University of Petroleum - East China (2016).
  • Department Review, Petroleum Engineering, University of Texas at Austin (2018 - 2018)
  • Technical Program Chairman, World Geotherrmal Congress 2020, Iceland (2016 - Present)
  • Advisory Board, Energy Institute, Cornell University (2015 - Present)
  • Cochair, ATW on "Reservoir Testing to Add Production Value", Society of Petroleum Engineers (2015 - 2015)
  • Chairman, Connecting the Dots Forum, Stanford University (2013 - 2013)
  • Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (2017)
  • Honorary Professor, China University of Petroleum (2016)
  • Geothermal Special Achievement Award, Geothermal Resources Council (2015)
  • Best Paper in 'Geophysics', Society of Exploration Geophysicists (2012)
  • Patricius Medal, German Geothermal Society, Bundesverband Geothermie BVG (2011)


Horne, R N.: Geothermal reinjection experience in Japan.In: J. Pet. Tech Nummer 34 (3) (1982), S. 495-503

Horne, R.: Paul Kruger (1925–2010).In: Geothermics Nummer 40(1) (March 2011), S. 87-

Horne, R.: Reservoir engineering aspects of reinjection. In: Geothermics Nummer 14(2) (1985), S. 449-457

Horne, R. N., Okadan, E. (Edr),: Geothermal Energy Assessments. Geothermal 515 Reservoir 516 Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publ.,, 1988.

Juliusson, E., Horne, R.: Optimization of injection scheduling in fractured geothermal reservoirs. In: Geothermics Nummer () (October 2013), S. 80-92

Li, K., Horne, R.: Systematic study of steam–water capillary pressure. In: Geothermics Nummer 36(6) (December 2007), S. 558-574

Li, K., Horne, R.: Estimation of wettability in gas–liquid–rock systems. In: Geothermics Nummer 37(4) (August 2008), S. 429-443

Li, K., Horne, R.: Fractal modeling of capillary pressure curves for The Geysers rocks. In: Geothermics Nummer 35(2) (April 2006), S. 198-207

Magnusdottir L. and Horne, R.N.: Inversion of Time-Lapse Potential Data to Estimate Fracture Connectivity in Geothermal Reservoirs. In: Mathematical Geosciences Nummer 47 (2015), S. 85-104

McClure M, Horne RN.: Discrete Fracture Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems. In: 35th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford, California (2010)

McClure M, Horne RN.: Numerical and Analytical Modeling of the Mechanisms of Induced Seismicity During Fluid Injection. In: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (2010), S. 381-396

McClure MW, Horne RN.: Investigation of injection-induced seismicity using a coupled fluid flow and rate/state friction model. In: Geophysics Nummer 76 (2011), S. WC181-WC98

McClure MW, Horne RN. : The effect of fault zone development on induced seismicity. In: Stanford University, Stanford, California (2012)

Norbeck, J., McClure, M., Horne, R.: Field observations at the Fenton Hill enhanced geothermal system test site support mixed-mechanism stimulation. In: Geothermics Nummer 74() (July 2018), S. 135-149

NORBECK, J.H., & HORNE, R.N.: Maximum magnitude of injection-induced earthquakes: A criterion to assess the influence of pressure migration along faults. In: Tectonophysics Nummer 733 (2018), S. 108-118

Shang, S., Horne, R., Ramey, H.: Water vapor adsorption on geothermal reservoir rocks. In: Geothermics Nummer 24(4) (August 1995), S. 523-540

Sullera, M., Horne, R.: Inferring injection returns from chloride monitoring data. In: Geothermics Nummer 30(6) (December 2001), S. 591-616

Wang, C., Horne, R.: Boiling flow in a horizontal fracture. In: Geothermics Nummer 29(6) (December 2000), S. 759-772

Wong, Z.Y., Horne, R. and Voskov, D.: A Geothermal Reservoir Simulator with AD-GPRS. In: Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress Nummer SGP-TR-204. (2015)



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